Earthquakes is a Natural phenomenon , Buildings Design and Construction

3rd International Workshop on Education: New Trends and Prospects
February 27, 2023
Oil sector in Kurdistan
February 14, 2023
Faculty: Engineering
Department: Interior Design Engineering
Type of the workshop: National workshop

The workshop in brief:
A recent destructive earthquakes disaster that took place in our region made deep concerns to those affected and those who shared them their sorrow, the presenter intends to pursue a workshop that will explain the fundamentals of the earthquake, their causes, forecasts and building design and constructions.

Participants: 28 Participants

Date and time: 16th February 2023 / 10:00 AM
Place: Main building – | Tishk International University – Erbil

Session topics: 
1st session: full detailed presentation about earthquake , why it happens and how? Beliefs and side effects of it. 2nd session: discussion between the audience and the presenters , brainstorming and answering questions .

Presenters names and affiliations:

Dr. Hassan Hasson, TIU

Outcome of the workshop:
1-To explain what earthquake is.
2-To facilitate that the planet earth is a dynamic and live system.
3-To explain the geology of the earth.
4-To discuss the tectonic nature of the earth crust.
5-To explain the principles of the Richter Scale.
6-Earthquakes forecasts are they possible?
7- Our belief and earthquakes.
8- The side-effects of earthquakes.
9-Safe Building Design, Construction, and earthquakes.
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