National workshop on quality of teaching

Tishk International University | Workshops
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Tishk International University | Workshops
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Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Department: Mechatronics department
Type of the workshop: National workshop
The workshop in brief: Higher education and education play a leading role in the education and teaching system. The quality of teaching and the quality of education can ensure the security, well-being and prosperity of the nation. Quality education and learning are linked to the structural and practical characteristics of teaching and education systems. More importantly, the role of teaching and education policies, schools and teachers in promoting students’ high performance is increasingly recognized, to change beyond what culture defines and to consider reforms that improve learning conditions and develop the community.

Participants: 148

Date and time: DEC 19th, 2021
Place:  Tishk International University

Session topics: 

Presenters names and affiliations:

Outcome of the workshop:

(1) To evaluate good teaching indicators.

(2) Study of institutional policies to evaluate teaching.

(3) To examine the contribution of teaching to the professional development of teachers.

(4) To learn about institutional efforts to promote the professional development of teachers.

(5) Activating real openness between universities and society.

(6) Upgrading technology for quality of teaching