Tishk International University | Workshops
Getting Ready for the Dentistry Program Accreditation
July 30, 2020
Tishk International University | Workshops
A joint workshop on ‘Coexistence and Ethnic-based Discrimination in the Kurdistan Region’ “we are all citizen”
March 3, 2020

Faculty: Rectorate
Department: Rectorate
The workshop in brief:

As the Dentistry Department has started the procedure of international accreditation for its bachelor program, a self-report that gives an evidence of its compliance with the accreditation standards shall be prepared. Therefore, comprehensive data about the taught courses, the teaching methods, the workload, and other related data shall be acquired. For that, the ISO & Accreditation Office conducted a national workshop on 16 & 17 June, 2020 at the TIU Campus to explain and discuss the methodology and the technique of Accreditation Data preparation.

Date and time:  June 16 and 17, 2020
Place: TIU Campus, Dentistry Faculty Building
Session topics: 

Fulltime and Part-time lecturers of the Dentistry Department participated in the event. Subjects discussed were:

  • PLOs – Courses Matrix,
  • Qualifications – Courses Matrix,
  • Student Workload Analysis,
  • Teacher Workload Calculations
  • Getting ready for the Site-Visit.
Presenters names and affiliations:


  • Miss Rasha Alkabbanie, TIU
The outcome of the Program assessment workshop by QA:

The outcomes of this workshop will be embedded in the self-report which will be evaluated later by the international Accreditation Agency AQ Austria. The methods and criteria of evaluation applied by AQ Austria are rooted in the common European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.