National Workshop on Entrepreneurship

Tishk International University | Workshops
A joint workshop on ‘Coexistence and Ethnic-based Discrimination in the Kurdistan Region’ “we are all citizen”
March 3, 2020
Tishk International University | Workshops
Joint Workshop by the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, Y-peer Network and Messala Organization
March 3, 2020

Faculty: Faculty of Administrative Science and Economics
Department: Business and Management
The workshop in brief:

The aim of the workshop was to shed light on the current issues and challenges that Entrepreneurs face to launch a new venture. The mission was to teach the students and fresh graduates how to start a new business, do feasibility study and turn their ideas into action. Students were examined to relief from stress by doing a few exercises by the students in order to learn how to get rid of stress while performing a new business or in any other daily life works.

Number of participants: 49 ( Lecturers and Students)

Date and time:  December 02, 2019 at  (10:00 AM)
Place: TIU, Education Building, Conference Hall
Session topics: 

  • Two sessions – The challenges of entrepreneurial start-ups.
Presenters names and affiliations:

  •  Ms. Avan Nader – The founder of Inma Organization.
  •  Natalia Pestova – The Mindset and Yoga trainer.
  •  Alan – Representative of Entrepreneurship Global Network & Co-Founder of Lezzo application.

The outcome of the Program assessment workshop by QA:

Students have an image of how to start a new business. Doing a feasibility study before starting a business. And also they will be able to collect and analyze data to determine the value of new business opportunities for the company, the industry, and team. Students will be able to identify weaknesses and strengths in a business opportunity and provide feedback on how these weaknesses can be strengthened and targeted. Students can design, organize and manage a team that aims to bring new products and services to the market.